Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Urban Explorer Photographer risks death (and arrest) to take jaw-dropping pictures from the top of Seattle's Space Needle.

 The mystery daredevil who has posted photos and videos of himself on top of some of Seattle’s tallest buildings including the iconic Space Needle has revealed himself.

Real life spider man Joseph Carnevale, 25, likes to indulge his death-defying passion for what is known as ‘urban exploration’ or ‘recreational trespassing.’
Last month photos emerged showing what he claims is him sitting on top of the Space Needle during the time when the roof was painted Galaxy Gold.
Photographer Carnevale says the Space Needle had fascinated him since he had moved to Seattle and that it took him ten months to plan and plot his trip to the top of the city's most iconic skyscraper.

Planning is key to ‘recreational trespassing’ and in the case of the Space Needle that involved Carnevale carrying out a trial run without tools to determine what security was like and if there were motion sensors in place.

Joseph Carnevale, 25

Continue the story on Daily Mail UK

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